![Plaud Note, AI-Powered Voice Recording Reimagined [Review] Plaud Note, AI-Powered Voice Recording Reimagined [Review]](https://img.hipsterpixel.co/plaud-note-chatgpt-powered-ai-voice-recorder-review-185.jpg)

A Fierce Connect 4 Raspberry Pi Adversary
I really love those little projects where one takes a Raspberry Pi and make it do robots stuff 😋 In this case we have a robot that plays Connect 4 by taking a piece with its robot hands and dropping it in the calculated best column.
The way it works is very ingenious, you play your turn, then a camera scans the RGB colours of the board in order to build a virtual representation and calculate the best possible move it can then do. The little robot grip gets a new piece and drops it in the proper column.
If you let an obvious spot that can be exploited, you can be sure it will use the opportunity. David Pride really did a great project there!