![Plaud Note, AI-Powered Voice Recording Reimagined [Review] Plaud Note, AI-Powered Voice Recording Reimagined [Review]](https://img.hipsterpixel.co/plaud-note-chatgpt-powered-ai-voice-recorder-review-185.jpg)

The Trouble With Star Trek Transporters
CGPGrey has released a second video this week, for someone that usually does one a month, it’s quite exciting! Also, this one is special to my heart as I’m a trekkie :) That transporter, does it really “moves” you to another place or is it a mass-murder machine?
This was touched upon in various Star Trek episodes over the last half century and has been the subject of many geek discussion. With the help of a new artist, Knut, Grey brings back fond memories of those discussions with a new and interesting visual style.