![Plaud Note, AI-Powered Voice Recording Reimagined [Review] Plaud Note, AI-Powered Voice Recording Reimagined [Review]](https://img.hipsterpixel.co/plaud-note-chatgpt-powered-ai-voice-recorder-review-185.jpg)

Never Try to Scam a Security Developer… Project Mayhem Is Born
Not too long ago, a security developer received a call from the IRS saying that there was an error in total calculation and that he owned the IRS over 8,000$. However, this was a phone call from India and there were lots of spoken mistake… It was a scam.
Our developer got fed up from people trying to scam him and decided to fire back at them. So he wrote a program that calls them back 28 times per second to flood their lines and voicemail at once. This way they can’t scam other where their phone network is overloaded. Brilliant, simnply brilliant!
The scammer changed number so he looks online for the new one and starts his process once again! As one might say, fight fire with fire! He’s now running this program regularly and since he’s using the Twillo service there are costs associated with this endavour so he opened up a Patreon account to leverage fees to make this run, eventually, non-stop!
I hope he then goes after the “you won a cruise to the Bahamas” company after this one…