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Classically Made, Mario Kart Stop Motion

Classically Made, Mario Kart Stop Motion

Here’s a great example of no-special effect, classically made stop motion video with homemade sound effects applied on top. It took 5 hours of filming, …

Enter Sandman, Awesomely Made

Enter Sandman, Awesomely Made

This will be a short post. Very good Enter Sandman cover, my ears really enjoyed it!

Hit play and enjoy. Period.

Flare 2, Half Price for a Limited Time

Flare 2, Half Price for a Limited Time

If you like editing photos in Mac OS and give them a nice filter and border, or simply adjusting various parameters, Flare 2 could be a great tool to have on …

On Apple's Guided Tour for the   Watch

On Apple's Guided Tour for the  Watch

The one thing I was looking forward to most before the release date of the  Watch is the guided tours. Something that will show us the great work done by Apple …

Highball, Time to Get Your Cocktails Right

Highball, Time to Get Your Cocktails Right

The good people at Studio Neat have a new product for you! After releasing the great Neat Ice Kit and Simple Syrup Kit, you needed something to record all those …

iPad Turns 5 Years Old

iPad Turns 5 Years Old

Five years old for a product that so many person called doomed before it was launched. How could a tablet computer even sell?? People already have a smartphone …

iFixit Does the Apple Watch Teardown!

iFixit Does the Apple Watch Teardown!

Woah! This is a great teardown! I love how the crown is just a pin and the space Apple left in for future upgrades!

Tesla Is Launching a Home Accumulator Product Line

Tesla Is Launching a Home Accumulator Product Line

Elon Musk, Tesla’s own Steve Jobs, has announced a new product line to be revealed April 30th. It is not a car, this was confirmed by the same tweet but a …

Amazon Dash, Weird Idea. Good?

Amazon Dash, Weird Idea. Good?

The new Amazon Dash button, a small Wi-Fi connected device that re-orders you a specified items by pressing a button, is an interesting product. Pretty design, …