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Unravelling the Intricacies of the Punch-Out! Password System

Unravelling the Intricacies of the Punch-Out! Password System

Punch-Out! and Metroid are the two first games I played that used a password system to go back to where you left when my parents made me stop playing. I was …

Why the New Amazon Unlimited Backup Plan Does Not Matter

Why the New Amazon Unlimited Backup Plan Does Not Matter

Amazon has announced two new plans for those in need of a backup solution. A photo-only unlimited plan for 11.99$/year and an all-you-can-eat, any file types, …

Pebble Time, 20 Million Record

Pebble Time, 20 Million Record

With only 13 hours left, the Pebble Steel has reached a new Kickstarter record. The campaign has amassed a backing of more than 20,130,000$ and 66,779 …

Periscope by Twitter, first impressions

Periscope by Twitter, first impressions

Brand new app from Twitter that was being developed at the same time as SXSW launched Meerkat. Twitter had to bring it out and it has to have something more …

Stop Everything and Watch This 7-minutes Tie Fighter Anime Short!

Stop Everything and Watch This 7-minutes Tie Fighter Anime Short!

There are fan films and there are fan films! This is a great example of what amazing talent can achieve! Paul Johnson did all this by himself over the course of …

On using a 56K modem for a week

On using a 56K modem for a week

You kids do not understand how painful the Internet was. Thankfully somebody tried. Today. And sadly, it only lasted one week.

I can totally understand the will …

Your computer is not blending colors properly

Your computer is not blending colors properly

When I was still in school we had to write a MacPaint/Microsoft Paint clone in C. That was one of the coolest assignments we received because we quickly …

ReasearchKit, the innovation

ReasearchKit, the innovation

Yes, the event was for the  Watch and MacBook, but one piece that was quite interesting and can have huge repercussion in the future is the new ResearchKit. …

 Watch Aftermath

 Watch Aftermath

I have to say that I’m impressed by the Apple Watch, but not so much on the unveil itself. I was expecting far more new features then what we already …