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Today Is Revenge of the Apps, Ton of Rebates

Today Is Revenge of the Apps, Ton of Rebates

A bunch of price drops today, be quick before they go back up!

The Cosmonauts: Beginnings, a new fun game on iOS and tvOS

The Cosmonauts: Beginnings, a new fun game on iOS and tvOS

The Cosmonauts: Beginnings is a new simple and fun iOS and tvOS game, soon with multiplayer!

Help Kickstart the Ratio Thermal Carafe

Help Kickstart the Ratio Thermal Carafe

Ratio is a maker of well engineered coffee products with amazing design. Just take a look at their Ratio Eight coffee machine. They have a new project on …

Help Us. Phil Schiller, You're Our Only Hope!

Help Us. Phil Schiller, You're Our Only Hope!

Pardon the Star Wars quote, but this new press release from Apple is giving me hope on this Star Wars Force Awaken’s day. Apple promoted Jeff Williams as …

Badland 2 Is Out!

Badland 2 Is Out!

The sequel to the Game of the Year success Badland is out. The game mechanics are the same but instead of being just a left to right side scroller, you now have …

Weight Things on Your iPhone 6S Without an App

Weight Things on Your iPhone 6S Without an App

Remember those apps that Apple banned not long ago that allowed you to weight things on your brand new iPhone 6S and 6S Plus? Well it turns out that there are …

Paramount Releases Star Trek Beyond After Leak

Paramount Releases Star Trek Beyond After Leak

The original plan was to featured the new trailer at the beginning of Star Wars Episode VII, but after an unplanned leak, Paramount was kind of obligated to …

Independence Day Resurgence, First Trailer

Independence Day Resurgence, First Trailer

After twenty years, we finally have the sequel to the classic from 1996 Independance Day. But do not look for Will Smith as his character died in a test plane …

Banksy Reminds Us That Steve Jobs Was the Son of a Syrian Migrant

Banksy Reminds Us That Steve Jobs Was the Son of a Syrian Migrant

A new graffiti appeared near the Jungle Refugee Camp in Calais, France, depicting Steve Jobs carrying a Macintosh and a bag that represents the belonging of a …