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Star Wars: The Force Awakens Official Teaser #2

Star Wars: The Force Awakens Official Teaser #2

Brand new trailer for the next Star Wars instalment. Are you excited now that we saw Han Solo?

Target Canada Employees Cover Closing Time

Target Canada Employees Cover Closing Time

After a short incursion in the Great North, Target closed his stores. Way too quickly and badly managed, there were way to many stores to properly fill them …

Sennheiser Urbanite XL Wireless Review

Sennheiser Urbanite XL Wireless Review

Why not start with a pair of headphones for the first Hipster Pixel review? OK, I promise I will do a coffee related review soon! Sennheiser does not need any …

ResearchKit is open-sourced on GitHub

ResearchKit is open-sourced on GitHub

You can get started with ResearchKit by visiting GitHub, now available to all developers for free under the ResearchKit BSD license. This is the best thing that …

Classically Made, Mario Kart Stop Motion

Classically Made, Mario Kart Stop Motion

Here’s a great example of no-special effect, classically made stop motion video with homemade sound effects applied on top. It took 5 hours of filming, …

Enter Sandman, Awesomely Made

Enter Sandman, Awesomely Made

This will be a short post. Very good Enter Sandman cover, my ears really enjoyed it! Hit play and enjoy. Period.

Flare 2, Half Price for a Limited Time

Flare 2, Half Price for a Limited Time

If you like editing photos in Mac OS and give them a nice filter and border, or simply adjusting various parameters, Flare 2 could be a great tool to have on …

On Apple's Guided Tour for the   Watch

On Apple's Guided Tour for the  Watch

The one thing I was looking forward to most before the release date of the  Watch is the guided tours. Something that will show us the great work done by Apple …

Highball, Time to Get Your Cocktails Right

Highball, Time to Get Your Cocktails Right

The good people at Studio Neat have a new product for you! After releasing the great Neat Ice Kit and Simple Syrup Kit, you needed something to record all those …