Capitain America: Civil War, First Trailer Is Here
The first trailer, or perhaps teaser is here. And Marvel had something to say on Twitter:
Capitain America: Civil War will be in theatre on May 6 2016 …
The first trailer, or perhaps teaser is here. And Marvel had something to say on Twitter:
Capitain America: Civil War will be in theatre on May 6 2016 …
With the new Apple TV new capabilities I bet that it will solve most of the living room issues with consuming content. It can still run those …
In a surprising news today, Apple has acquired Faceshift, a face motion-capture company that was previously involved in real-time capture for television …
Known for its comics, xkcd has done it again with a hoverboard inspired mini-game.
You know what this means :) Do your updates! I was lucky enough to be on the beta for this feature and I must say that the whole process of using your iPhone …
Today, FireCore published an update announcing the first wave of beta tester should hear from then during the week. A TestFlight email will allow them to fully …
Classic looking side scrollers are not new but as any game developer knows, the balance of physics and the precision of control is of upmost importance, and as …