Tech News

Today's Apps, 28 Apps With a Lower Cost

Today's Apps, 28 Apps With a Lower Cost

I see that my last post on app rebates was appreciated! Here is another one with today’s rebates on great apps! Here’s a selection of today’s …

Encrypto, the Dummy-Proof Way to Send Encrypted Files

Encrypto, the Dummy-Proof Way to Send Encrypted Files

Encryption has been amongst us for a very long time and it has always been a great and useful way to send sensitive information. However, you always need to …

On Screen Embedded Touch ID

On Screen Embedded Touch ID

There is a discussion between Craig Mod, Federico Viticci and Dr. Drang regard the speed of the new Touch ID. I, like Federico and Dr. Drang, would prefer a …

Tesla Brings Back the Fun for Geeks

Tesla Brings Back the Fun for Geeks

You probably saw this video go by in your Twitter or Instagram feed where we see three brand new Model X SUV flash their lights on Wizards of Winter (amazing …

An Pay Adventure in Canada

An Pay Adventure in Canada

We are fairly lucky in Canada with Apple product launch dates. We normally get the shiny new Apple products at the same time as our American friends. However, …

Today Is Revenge of the Apps, Ton of Rebates

Today Is Revenge of the Apps, Ton of Rebates

A bunch of price drops today, be quick before they go back up!

The Cosmonauts: Beginnings, a new fun game on iOS and tvOS

The Cosmonauts: Beginnings, a new fun game on iOS and tvOS

The Cosmonauts: Beginnings is a new simple and fun iOS and tvOS game, soon with multiplayer!

Help Kickstart the Ratio Thermal Carafe

Help Kickstart the Ratio Thermal Carafe

Ratio is a maker of well engineered coffee products with amazing design. Just take a look at their Ratio Eight coffee machine. They have a new project on …

Help Us. Phil Schiller, You're Our Only Hope!

Help Us. Phil Schiller, You're Our Only Hope!

Pardon the Star Wars quote, but this new press release from Apple is giving me hope on this Star Wars Force Awaken’s day. Apple promoted Jeff Williams as …