Today's Apps, 28 Apps With a Lower Cost
I see that my last post on app rebates was appreciated! Here is another one with today’s rebates on great apps! Here’s a selection of today’s …
I see that my last post on app rebates was appreciated! Here is another one with today’s rebates on great apps! Here’s a selection of today’s …
Encryption has been amongst us for a very long time and it has always been a great and useful way to send sensitive information. However, you always need to …
There is a discussion between Craig Mod, Federico Viticci and Dr. Drang regard the speed of the new Touch ID. I, like Federico and Dr. Drang, would prefer a …
You probably saw this video go by in your Twitter or Instagram feed where we see three brand new Model X SUV flash their lights on Wizards of Winter (amazing …
We are fairly lucky in Canada with Apple product launch dates. We normally get the shiny new Apple products at the same time as our American friends. However, …
A bunch of price drops today, be quick before they go back up!
The Cosmonauts: Beginnings is a new simple and fun iOS and tvOS game, soon with multiplayer!
Ratio is a maker of well engineered coffee products with amazing design. Just take a look at their Ratio Eight coffee machine. They have a new project on …
Pardon the Star Wars quote, but this new press release from Apple is giving me hope on this Star Wars Force Awaken’s day. Apple promoted Jeff Williams as …