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We Have a Podcast!

We have a podcast and you should subscribe, NOW!

A Pencil Drawn Review of the Apple Pencil

A Pencil Drawn Review of the Apple Pencil

What better than a drawn review of a drawing tool, the Apple Pencil?

Craig Federighi in the Washington Post

Craig Federighi in the Washington Post

Apple’s Craig Federighi (Hair Force One) in the Washington Post.

That’s why it’s so disappointing that the FBI, Justice Department and others in law …

The Trouble With Star Trek Transporters

The Trouble With Star Trek Transporters

Is the Star Trek transporter a transporting mechanism or a mass-murder machine?

The Year Video Games Crashed

The Year Video Games Crashed

This is a very good summary of what happened in the early 1980s. Ahoy has other great videos on its channel you should check out if you like pixels and video …

Apple Support Now on Twitter

Apple Support Now on Twitter

Apple Support now on Twitter, guess how many tweets per minute they are sending?

Imagine a LEGO Marble Maze. It's Coming Next April!

Imagine a LEGO Marble Maze. It's Coming Next April!

A classic revisited with a LEGO twist, the marble labyrinth!

The New Ghostbusters Trailer Is Here (Finally!)

The New Ghostbusters Trailer Is Here (Finally!)

First trailer of the new Ghostbuster movie about some evil device that amplifies ghost presence.