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 Watch: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly

 Watch: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly

After having the Apple Watch on our wrists for 9 months we can now ponder at the product and see it's real strengths and weaknesses.

Apple Announces Lower App Store Price Tiers

Apple Announces Lower App Store Price Tiers

Following the increase in App Store prices for several countries, Apple makes available two new price tiers for the Canadian and New Zealand stores.

Lower …

Will iPad Air 3 Include Smart Connector?

Will iPad Air 3 Include Smart Connector?

With the upcoming spring the rumour mill starts turning and we already have a new iPad Air 3 case that informs us on possible new features.

On iOS Multi-Lingual Users Keyboard Hell

On iOS Multi-Lingual Users Keyboard Hell

The only solution to the multilingual dilemma on the iOS keyboard is very simple to fix.

On Apple Working on a VR Headset

On Apple Working on a VR Headset

Juli Clover writing for MacRumors:

Apple has expanded its research efforts in virtual and augmented reality, building out a large team that is experimenting …

The Current State of CarPlay

The Current State of CarPlay

iOS on the dashboard, what it is and how to interact with it.

Interactive Music Playing Chart of Hip-Hop From 1995 to Today

Interactive Music Playing Chart of Hip-Hop From 1995 to Today

An interactive chart representing the top 10 hip hop songs from the billboard with auto time-travelling and background music. Marvelous!

17-Year-Old Builds a Fully Functional, Life-Size BB-8 Robot!

17-Year-Old Builds a Fully Functional, Life-Size BB-8 Robot!

This is no small feat, a full-size BB-8 that you can control and build with stuff from your home!

Angry Brids Movie, the Theatrical Trailer Is Out

Angry Brids Movie, the Theatrical Trailer Is Out

An Angy Bird Movie that will be awesome, as long as they did not put all the good stuff in the trailer...