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It's Time for Another Controller for the Apple TV

It's Time for Another Controller for the Apple TV

More and more games are landing on the Apple TV and some of them are better with a dedicated controller. We now have two types of remotes, the included Siri …

Just Dance Now Is Landing on Apple TV

Just Dance Now Is Landing on Apple TV

Probably in great thanks to Apple’s ecosystem and its similarities between iOS and tvOS, Ubisoft has released and update to Just Dance Now that included …

iFixIt Peaks Inside the Apple Smart Battery Case

iFixIt Peaks Inside the Apple Smart Battery Case

Another little discovery adventure from the fine folks at iFixIt! The Smart Battery Case is earning it’s name not just because it’s charging and …

Guy Makes a Revenge Rap About His Lemon Grand Cherokee!

Guy Makes a Revenge Rap About His Lemon Grand Cherokee!

This one is pretty cool! Not that it’s cool buying a lemon, it’s amazing how his dissatisfied customer turns to the Internet and makes a revenge rap …

Testing Apple Store Pick-Up in Canada

Testing Apple Store Pick-Up in Canada

Since we Canadians tend to get things late, I wanted to test the new Apple Store Pick-up delivery option with my next purchase. It only been available for …

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon Sequel Has an Epic Trailer

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon Sequel Has an Epic Trailer

Fifteen years later, yes fifteen (!), Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon will get a sequel to the great folks at Neflix! Netflix really seems to know how to get …

Apple's First Battery Case Is... Original to Say the Least

Apple's First Battery Case Is... Original to Say the Least

Apple silently release another product today, an iPhone 6S (and 6) battery case] available in two colors, charcoal gray and white. Releasign a new accessory is …

On Relay FM and the Memberships

On Relay FM and the Memberships

From the beginning, Relay FM has been a community for podcasters, listeners and follow-uppers to share their common interests and passions. Now, with a Relay …

Git2Go, Your Git Repo on the Go!

Git2Go, Your Git Repo on the Go!

With all the discussion going around on iPads replacing MacBooks, one class of user could not get work done. That is until now! Git2Go is a fairly new app on …