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Backblaze B2 to Go Against Amazon S3

Backblaze B2 to Go Against Amazon S3

Backblaze the backup service that only costs 5$/month is launching a new service called B2, an object storage that is. For only 0.005$/GB/month, or if you …

Microsoft Has an 8-Bit Day Easter Egg for You

Microsoft Has an 8-Bit Day Easter Egg for You

Microsoft can be fun sometimes and I think especially when they leave their developers make fun stuff. Remember that Excel 97 flight simulator?

When you go to …

My thoughts on iPad Pro,  TV and iPhone 6S

My thoughts on iPad Pro,  TV and iPhone 6S

It really was quite a conference yesterday. I’ve been following those religiously since 2008 when I got my first Mac and I must say that for a toc upgrade …

 Watch Try-On Impressions

 Watch Try-On Impressions

So I went for a try-on of the  Watch at the Sainte-Catherine’s store. Great experience!

First I tried the demo  Watch, the one that is in demo mode …

Star Wars: The Force Awakens Official Teaser #2

Star Wars: The Force Awakens Official Teaser #2

Brand new trailer for the next Star Wars instalment. Are you excited now that we saw Han Solo?

Target Canada Employees Cover Closing Time

Target Canada Employees Cover Closing Time

After a short incursion in the Great North, Target closed his stores. Way too quickly and badly managed, there were way to many stores to properly fill them …

Sennheiser Urbanite XL Wireless Review

Sennheiser Urbanite XL Wireless Review

Why not start with a pair of headphones for the first Hipster Pixel review? OK, I promise I will do a coffee related review soon!

Sennheiser does not need any …

ResearchKit is open-sourced on GitHub

ResearchKit is open-sourced on GitHub

You can get started with ResearchKit by visiting GitHub, now available to all developers for free under the ResearchKit BSD license.

This is the best thing …